Expands and integrates new
After 18 years of business, in 2019, we decided it was time to expand Axing and hire new coaches so we could start offering global and varied interventions.
Axing is a firm of experts in coaching and training and specialists in the integrative approach, adapted to the needs and ambitions of companies for deep and lasting changes.

A word from the founder
Olga Chiappini :
“My job is my raison d’être. After a fulfilling career at IBM, both in France and abroad, I wanted to give a new direction to my professional activity.
I have always been fascinated by the human relations as well as the impact of relationships on well-being and performance. This is why I decided to get trained in coaching and create the company Axing, with the objective of supporting companies in their development.”

Olga Chiappini
My first studies (HEC Paris & a Master’s in Law) lead me to work for IBM in France and in the United States for 16 years.
Driven by my interest in people, I decided to enrol in a Human Resource Master’s to get trained in coaching. As a follow-up, I created AXING, where I work as an Executive Coach, Supervisor and Trainer in France and abroad.
Trained in Transactional Analysis with Carlo Moïso, in Integrative Psychotherapy with Richard Erskine, I am a certified IIPA Counsellor.
Faced with the demands of the market for ever-increasing performance, I think it is essential to allow people to flourish in their work: this is why I created a specific training program for managers and coaches, ACM®: Axing Coaching Method, which integrates several tools and methods specific to Integrative & Relational Coaching. Since September 2017, I have also been co-educational manager of the Master’s degree in Coaching at the University of Aix-Marseille.
Emmanuelle Compte
After completing a master’s degree in communication, I wanted to give meaning to my professional life. So, I joined a structure for children with cancer as communication and partnerships manager. After 5 years of fascinating missions, I chose to discover new professional horizons and develop my skills. Always more motivated by human relations and sharing, my path lead me to a training in coaching.

Driven by the conviction that the integrative approach is a significant added value, in 2019, I decided to join Axing and become an Integrative coach. I thrive to help develop potential through coaching, training and consultancy in communication.

Stéphane Baradat
As a HR professional, I have two strong beliefs. The first is that we are here to create value for all stakeholders. The second is that we cannot create lasting value without the sustainable development of the men and women who are part of these organisations. Through my experience, I have realised that the ability to interact with people within organisations is the basic skill on which sustainable performance is built, imperative to the longevity of companies.
In view of this awareness, I trained in Transactional Analysis and Coaching. I currently teach Human Resources Management to Master’s degree level students at the University of Nice. I work in companies to support leaders, managers and teams.
Georges Botet Pradeilles
« On promet partout la réussite personnelle, entrepreneuriale et le développement de chacun par des « recettes » formalisées et l’usage d’outils souverains. Axing propose un accompagnement de proximité, personnalisé ou collectif, pour les collaborateurs, les cadres, et les dirigeants. Le but de notre pluridisciplinarité est d’aboutir à une meilleure réflexion convergente « constructive » entre les instances « employeuses » et les personnes ou groupes accompagnées. Le bénéfice escompté sera certes opérationnel, car tout accompagnement avisé dynamise, mais il relève aussi (et in fine !) de cet intérêt partagé à l’œuvre commune qui est facteur déterminant de réussite de toute entreprise humaine.»